Pacific Telesis Group Inc’s San Francisco-based Pacific Bell Inc has announced the first customers for its new Advanced Broadcast Video Service. The service, introduced only two weeks ago, uses the latest digital fibre-optic telecommunications technology to improve on current analogue transmission methods for transporting all grades of video from high-definition television to high-quality videoconferencing, so providing better motion, colour and sound. It provides one-way transmission of monochrome or National Television Systems Committee standard colour video compressed to 45Mbps alonside up to four audio channels. The first customers for the new service will be using it for a variety of applications. Fibre-optic broadcaster WilTel Corp will be using it for transmitting television programmes as will Vyvx Inc, which also provides videoconferencing, production and editing facilities to over 65 US cities. Industrial Light & Magic, a subsidiary Lucas Digital Ltd, will use it as an alternative to transporting videotape from production facilities in Los Angeles to its post-production facility in San Rafael near San Francisco. Varitel Video Inc is to use the system to provide a film and video post-production and network service across California while Entertainment Digital Network Inc is to provide a similar service nationwide. The US KRCA-TV Channel 62 is to use it to enhance its programme distribution, video post-production and satellite links, including connections to local sport and entertainment venues and the San Francisco Satellite Centre, a divisions of Watson Communication Systems Inc is to use it for local connections to its satellite teleports for US and overseas transmissions. Finally, AT&T Co is to use it connect local film and broadcast companies to its Telstar satellites and Accunet Digital Television Service. Pacific Bell says that where applications cross its service area boundaries, transmissions will be handed off to long distance carriers of the customers’ choice.