Netscape Communications Corp and Oracle Corp have signed a licensing deal for Netscape to bundle the Oracle Lite database – previously known as Personal Oracle Lite – with its Visual JavaScript Pro 1.0 development tool for internet-based applications. Oracle Lite, the single user object-relational database with a small footprint designed specifically for mobile and embedded applications, will be combined with Netscape’s new no-coding Java applications builder in order to provide for cheaper and faster development of internet, intranet and extranet applications, according to the two companies. Also, the next version of Lite, 3.0 will be announced at next week’s Internet World show in New York City. It will add enhanced replication and client Java support, such as Java access class support to enable the creation and manipulation of objects and Java procedure and trigger support to store the Java objects. Replication has been improved to enable the use of more third-party protocols, such as MIME and XcelleNet’s agent, among others. Oracle says the idea of writing the whole single-user database in Java, as start-up Cloudscape Inc has done, is not viable at the moment due to Java’s sluggish performance. Oracle Lite can connect to relational databases through ODBC, JDBC and SQL and to object- oriented databases through Java classes and ODMG. Oracle says the Lite edition of database fits into between 350k and 750k of RAM and requires less than 2.5Mb of hard disk space, so it runs on clients ranging from personal computers to network computers, lap tops and Apple Macs. Although the bundling deal is for Visual JavaScript, Oracle Lite is also available as a plug-in to any Netscape browser. Automatic synchronization with a central server is immediate when the database is reconnected to the network. Netscape SuiteTools 2.0, which comprises Visual JavaScript Pro and Netscape Component Builder 1.0, is expected to be available later this month for $1,000 per developer seat. Visual JavaScript pro costs $800 and Component Builder $300. Version 3.0 of Oracle Lite will go for $300, or $100 to licensees of Oracle8.