Yes Bill, you want to invest how much in Sun? Yes, I hear you, that’s $150 billion? Sun Microsystems Inc chief executive Scott McNealy relaying a message from Bill Gates during his Tuesday spoof of Steve Jobs’ MacWorld keynote in Boston a couple of weeks ago. McNealy, dressed all in black a sporting wireframe glasses a la Jobs, used the introduction of Sun’s new Enterprise 450 servers at New York’s Hudson Theatre this week to engage in a spot of his own brand of play-acting. They even had footage of a live link to Gates in Redmond just like they did at the Apple/Microsoft event. But Bill in Redmond, just back from China, was breaking up and McNealy was forced to relay Gate’s words to the audience via cellphone (a Java phone no doubt). Of course I’ll tell them exactly what you say, said McNealy, with a grin. $150 billion and what? Oh, OEM Solaris and merge it with NT. Call it Solaris NT. Disband CaptiveX. Do PowerPoint in Java and make it free on the internet. OK Bill you’ve gotta go. Steve’s on the phone. OK Bill. Hey, [posing just like Jobs did for the cameras in Boston] can we get Newsweek and Time photographers up the front?