Having decided to stop burying its proprietary HP 3000 servers (CI No 3,237), Hewlett-Packard Co has announced an addition to the family and a bunch of technologies it says will ease users into the next century, including Year 2000 support. The company said it is its intention to maintain and expand the HP 3000 platform and it claims the new Series 939KS/020 business server is a key product in its strategy to give HP 3000 users increased performance and functionality for the next millennium. The new server has a 78MHz PA-7200 RISC processor with a 2Mb cache. It is a single processor box, but can be upgraded to the multiprocessor series 969KS/x20 or 979KS systems. In December, the company will ship MPE/iX 5.5 Express 4, which it says will insure its proprietary MPE/ix operating system will be Year 2000 compliant, and enable customers to test and certify their applications for compliance.To help with increased capacity for Year 2000 testing, the company is offering Cure2000, a two to three-year lease bundle including an HP 3000 server and a full tape of all HP 3000 software products. HP has also launched a low-cost software developer’s bundle which includes its own compilers and tools for free as well as low cost or free development software from third- party vendors. Every new HP 3000 system will include Netscape Communications Corp’s FastTrack Server, to enable internet access, and the company will also offer the software free of charge to existing customers.