Hyundai Electronic America Inc’s Axil Workstation unit has announced the first in a series of new workstations based on Sparc designer and marketer, Ross Technology Inc’s HyperSparc multiprocessing microprocessor modules. The first model to go into production, the Axil-311 Model 66.4, sports four 66MHz HyperSparcs, supports symmetric multiprocessing and multiple threads, and runs Sun Microsystems Inc’s Solaris 2.X. It has a SPEC multiprocessing throughput rating of 5006SPECrate-mean, and should be available in volume by the middle of the fourth quarter. No pricing was given. Axil simultaneously announced its first desktop or deskside server. The Axil-311 server is a Sparcstation 10-compatible machine, supports between one and four 50MHz SuperSparc chips, and is targeted at workgroups and departments. It runs Solaris 2.X Unix, has total disk storage of 29.9Gb, and should be out in December. Axil sells its products only through resellers, but expects end users to pay from $15,000 and $20,000 for a base system.