Japan’s NEC has signed an agreement with Indian telecom service operator Tata Teleservices (TTL) to newly deploy its iPASOLINK platform for the transformation of TTL’s backhaul mobile transport network.

The iPASOLINK, the ultra-flexible mobile transport network can be adapted for next-generation IP-based networks, while meeting the current capacity and service demands of customers, NEC said.

TTL executive president of Enterprise Business and Technology AG Rao said TTL is now in the process of expanding its network for both coverage and capacity in the mobility and enterprise business segments, which will require backhaul of both TDM and IP traffic.

"Our requirements, therefore, necessitate the deployment of Hybrid Radio in the network. NEC’s iPASOLINK platform fully meets these requirements and can be adapted for Next-Generation IP-based networks," said Rao.

The iPASOLINK is designed to support the transition from today’s hybrid TDM and Ethernet backhaul towards full IP transport, and its flexible modular architecture allows operators to optimise their network strategies and to gradually invest in step with actual service and traffic demands.

NEC senior vice president Takayuki Morita said this agreement between TTL and NEC proves that mobile operators have the appetite for a single, converged and flexible backhaul platform that they can manage and adapt according to their network service demands.