Barcelona, Catalonia-based GSI Tecsidel SA has launched a new range of X400 products for Unix environments and IBM proprietary systems under the name of Ositel/400, and consists of a package advising on requirements and problems involved in addressing messages in internal electronic mail systems, a set of user agent software packages with a user interface or application programming interface, and a set of Message Transfer Agent packages. The user interface will be available under OSF/Motif, OS/2 Presentation Manager and and on VT100 terminals, and before long under Windows. The API will be available under OS/2 and will soon be available for MS-DOS, AIX, OS/400, CICS and IMS, and both for ONDS X400 and Unix/Oxitel/400 servers. Any C or Cobol application can produce X400 messages with this API. The MTA Ositel/400 will be available on 80386 and 80486 systems running Unix, and Sun Microsystems Inc and HP 9000 Series 800 systems. Possible X400 applications include Electronic Data Interchange, file transfers, electronic mail, voicemail and distributed applications.