Sligos SA, France’s second-largest software and services house, saw its first-half turnover and net profit remain virtually unchanged, compared to the first half of 1992. Total revenues actually declined slightly to about $317m this year from some $323m in the first half of 1992. Accounting for currency devaluations in Spain and the UK, however, a Sligos spokesman says the first-half revenues represent an advance of 0.9% from the same period last year. Group net profit was about $11.5m or 3.6% of turnover compared with 3.7%, $11.9m, in the first half of 1992. The company’s first half results do not include those of software house Marben, where Sligos holds 78%. Those results will be consolidated July 1, said the spokesman. For the rest of the year, Sligos expects its profit to come to between 4% to 4.5% of revenues, which it is currently forecasting will come to about $714m.