Ray Ozzie leaving his Microsoft cloud leadership post. Why? (CBR Rolling Blog)
Gary Flood looks at the reasons behind Ozzie’s sudden departure from Microsoft… and what Redmond should do next.

Ray Ozzie to leave Microsoft: Has the future left the building? (GigaOm)
Om Malik has his say on Ozzie’s departure. Ozzie is widely viewed as someone who tried to change Microsoft’s internal attitudes towards cloud computing. He is credited for Microsoft’s move into the cloud with its Azure efforts. But what now?

Apple sold 14.1 million iPhones in Q4, iPad sales disappoint (CNN Money)
Even though Steve Jobs was "blown away" by Apple’s latest financial figures many watchers were disappointed by sales of the iPad, which came in below many expectations.

Steve Jobs: why Android isn’t open, and we won’t build a 7" iPad (The Guardian)
Apple chief executive uses earnings call to hit out at Google’s portrayal of the company: it’s integrated v fragmented, not closed v open, he says – and a lot more.

The new Google Search Appliance – a bridge to the cloud (Google Official Blog)
Google has updated its enterprise search platform – read the firm’s view on it here.