Epson America Inc is trying to move upmarket and says that its 80486-based EISA computer, the Epson EISA Series, is now available in desktop and tower configurations; the company is also shipping two new AT machines, the Equity 486DX2/50 Plus and Equity 386/33 Plus; the EISA Series is designed for use with CAD/CAM, multi-tasking, networking and power processing and takes 80486SX/25, 80486/33 or 80486/50 processor boards; prices start at $2,200 for the desktop model and $2,800 for the tower model; a functioning system requires a VGA Option Kit at $250 and a CPU Acceleration Kit at $1,300 for the 80486SX version, $2,100 for the 33MHz 80486 and $2,500 for the 50MHz 80486 box.