Santa Clara, California-based Integrated Device Technology Inc is shipping its IDT79R3081, a MIPS Computer Systems Inc R3000-derived RISC chip designed for low-cost, entry-level Advanced RISC Computing-compliant systems and for embedded processing applications. The first parts going out are destined to be used in high-speed laser printers, VME boards and film recorders. The company hopes to see the thing being used in threedimensional colour X-terminals, laser printers running PostScript, and graphics accelerators; it is software- and pin-compatible with the comp-any’s R3051, but adds larger cache and floating-point. It consists of an R3000A execution unit and Memory Management Unit integrated with an R3010A floating-point accelerator, a total of 20Kb of instruction and data cache, and four-deep read, four-deep write buffers. The R3081 is available in two versions: the R3081E memory manager includes a translation look-aside buffer and is fully compatible with R3000A memory management. The base R3081 is intended for embedded applications and does not include the buffer. Both come in 20MHz, 25MHz, 33MHz and 40MHz ver-sions packaged in either 84-pin grid array or 84-pin MQuad packages. Volume is set for June, at $130 for 1,000-up, under $100 for large lots.