IBM Corp yesterday stepped up its pitch for OEM business, most strikingly offering an enhanced version of the 9371 microprocssor-based Personal/370 Adapter/A co-processor, so that designers can build 370-compatibility into workstations via a co-processor.The company’s Entry Systems Technology – Personal Systems business unit is also offering some of IBM’s handwriting recognition products to third parties, including technology that recognises both script and block capitals; and in addition to the currently available PenPoint version, ThinkWrite will be available this year in versions that run under OS/2 and Windows for Pen Computing. It is offering its Audio Solution Board, which is a single board system with support for CD ROM drives, and is intended to enable a computer to be used as a sound studio. And its LANStreamer MC 32 Adaptor, which eliminates local network bottlenecks, and Person to Person/2, designed to enable people at remote locations to work together, are among five new local networking OEM products now offered by IBM.