PDA Engineering Inc, Newport Beach, California has signed an agreement for a long-term joint development relationship with Paris-based Matra Datavision SA: they are collaborating to provide integrated computer aided design, manufacturing and engineering products based on PDA’s Patran analysis technology and Matra’s Euclid-IS solid modelling system; also, the joint development calls for Matra to integrate PDA’s Design/Team technology into its Euclid-IS design software; Team, a meshless Trimmed Element Analysis Method, uses the computer aided design geometry as the analysis model, and analysis is performed directly on the geometry without the need to recreate the model or create a finite element mesh; Euclid-IS is a mechanical system that uses solid and surface modelling technology and a distributed object-oriented database to integrate and manage product design, analysis, documentation and manufacturing activities; it is written to run under Unix and DEC’s VMS.