Up to two thirds of the 7,500 people employed by AT&T Co’s Computer Systems unit are likely to lose their jobs in the wake of the acquisition of NCR Corp: NCR has started interviewing among the 3,900 AT&T managers, and is expected to offer jobs to no more than 2,000; of the 3,000 other employees, NCR is not expected to take more than 600, and AT&T will reassign another 600, but most of the 1,000 employed at the Little Rock, Arkansas plant are likely to lose their jobs; the plant makes personal computers and servers, and only the latter line is being retained, making it likely that it will be transferred into an NCR factory; AT&T is to take a monster $4,000m charge against its 1991 figures to cover the cost of the acquisition and resulting reorganisation, and for other planned restructurings.