Hewlett-Packard (HP) has unveiled the SDP Storefront Portal offering targeted at communications service providers (CSPs).

HP said that the new offering, based on the company’s service delivery platform (SDP) technology, has been designed to enable CSPs to offer their customers a fast, easy way to shop for, download and manage mobile services and entertainment content.

The company anounced the new application at the SDP Global Summit, saying that the offering is packaged with a framework to enable two-sided business models: wholesale and retail.

With the new product, HP said, CSPs can monetise their assets with features such as: an easy-to-use marketplace, vibrant partner relationship management functions, and a test-and-certification module to ensure that applications work as intended on subscriber devices

HP Enterprise Services Communications and Media Solutions vice-president and general manager David Sliter said that to reclaim their place in the mobile value chain, CSPs must build attractive app stores that both consumers and developers can take advantage of.

Sliter added, "App stores depend on developers, and the new HP SDP Storefront Portal solution will allow CSPs to engage and manage an exponentially larger developer community."

An App Store and a developer portal are some of the key features of the new offering, said HP.