Vitalink Communications Corp of Fremont, California has announced two additions to its Enterprise Network Processor family: the 4000 Series SNA Internetworking Products operate in conjunction with internetworking equipment from Vitalink and other vendors; the 4100 SDLC Server integrates SNA/SDLC equipment into local networks and the 4200 SNA Gateway enables Digital Equipment Corp LAT devices to access SNA hosts; each server connects up to 16 SDLC communications lines and up to 60 SDLC devices to a Token-Ring or Ethernet and the devices communicate with SNA hosts via the local area network; SDLC devices can attach to the SDLC Server locally, or with leased, point-to-point, multi-drop or dial-up links, and physical Unit Type 2 and Node Type 2.1 devices are supported; the 4100 SDLC Server provides support for IBM’s NetView and it incorporates an SNA Physical Unit which provides comprehensive alerts and statistics; also, Vitalink has announced the 4200 SNA Gateway, which enables LAT devices to access SNA hosts; the 4200 SNA Gateway is claimed to eliminate the need for multiple devices and networks by enabling LAT devices to access both DEC and SNA systems; it can access SNA hosts using local are networks, enabling LAT and SNA to be integrated in a single network; LAT terminals emulate 3270 model 2, 3, 4 and 5 devices, and each user can hotkey among up to five concurrent SNA sessions accessing multiple applications; printers attached to LAT servers or terminals can emulate 3287 or 3767 type printers, and can be shared by SNA applications and LAT services; the 4200 can be managed by NetView and DEC’s Terminal Server Manager and Remote Console Facility; the 4100 will be out this quarter for $6,600, the 4200 ships in first quarter 1992.