An ex-Samsung manager has revealed that a leak in 2009 to a hedge fund manager about confidential information on Apple’s iPad components could have led to the cancellation of a supply contract that the South Korean company had with Apple.

The ex-employee revealed the details of his leak for money while testifying at the insider-trader trial of Primary Global Research LLC executive James Fleishman, according to Bloomberg.

Samsung was one of the suppliers for the iPad screens. Apple launched its iPad in the US in April 2010.

Suk-Joo Hwang, who worked for 14 years at the US division of Samsung, told jurors he leaked confidential shipping data for Apple iPad components.

Suk-Joo Hwang admitted to the leak after a federal court in New York granted him immunity from prosecution.

Suk-Joo Hwang said he gave confidential data about Samsung’s shipment of liquid crystal display screens it was supplying to Apple to hedge fund manager Fleishman, reported Bloomberg.

"One particular thing I remember vividly was that I talked about the shipment numbers of Apple, it was about iPad," he said.

"This is in December 2009, before it came out with the tablet PC, they didn’t know the name then, so I talked to them about the tablet shipment estimates in that meeting."

Suk-Joo Hwang also said that he soon realised that an Apple employee had overheard his comments and was scared of the possible outcome.

"After I said it, I looked around," Suk-Joo Hwang said. "The first thing I thought was ‘Wow, I said it too loud’ and then I really freaked out."

Suk-Joo Hwang also said that soon after the lunch, he came to know that Samsung had lost a supply contract with Apple.

"I thought, ‘Oh that guy was an Apple guy and they found out.’" Suk-Joo Hwang added. "I was scared."

Suk-Joo Hwang has admitted he was paid for the work as a ‘consultant.’

At present, Samsung and Apple are embroiled in a court battle in several countries over patent infringements.