Two software firms have announced support for the ARM RISC microprocessor following the announcements of forth?coming embedded RISC designs by Cambridge, UK-based Advanced RISC Machines Ltd and its partners (CI No 2,886). Sweden’s Enea OSE Systems AB has put its OSE Basic real-time operating system up on ARM 32-bit RISC micropro?cessors and JMI Software Systems Inc has a new version of its C Executive real-time kernel that supports the ARM family, including ARM6, ARM7, ARM7TDMI (Thumb), ARM8 and StrongARM processors. JMI will also offer an ARM version of PSX as an extension to C Executive which provides a 60% subset of Posix.1 system calls for smooth migration from C Executive to full Posix compliance. C Executive is a ROM-able, multi-tasking operating system kernel for real-time embedded systems written in C. It also has an optional file system, CE-DOS file, which replicates the PC-DOS file structure on external media, enabling ARM-based systems to read and write PC-DOS floppies and hard disks. C Executive is suitable for hand-held embedded systems and other low-power, high-performance applications. OSE is a ROM-able message-based real-time operating system for use in embedded sys? tems. OSE Basic is designed specifically for high performance, small size systems. Combined with the ARM7TDMI, Enea says OSE is ideal for use in Personal Digital Assistants, mobile phones and the like. OSE Basic for the ARM architecture will be available in the summer. Pricing starts at $10,000, including debug tools. C Executive and the PSX extension for the ARM architecure ships this month. The development package for C Executive is priced at $2,500 and the PSX version is $3,750.