In its first major diversification from its core video games machine and games park business, Sega Enterprises Ltd has entered the digital camera market with the least expensive model on the Japanese market. Called the Digio, its camera costs the equivalent of $270, and Sega hopes to sell 150,000 by the end of March. The price compares with $452 for Casio Computer Co Ltd, which was first into the market, and Eastman Kodak Co, with a $361 model. It is estimated that 200,000 were sold last year, and 1 million is the target for 1996. Sega has no captive distribution and will likely sell most of its digital cameras through computer stores and mass retailers, but once they are in people’s hands, it hopes to use them to lure more trade into its games arcades by installing equipment that will print out pictures from the chip cards on which images are stored.