1. App Internet: explaining the Google/Verizon riddle (Forrester)
George Colony asks: Have you wondered why the odd couple of Verizon and Google have teamed up to propose tiered pricing for wireless Internet access? It’s a way for Google to fight off App Internet…

2. Your secrets are (not) safe with mIE (Trend Micro CounterMeasures)
Microsoft Security Response team posted an interesting tweet at the tail end of Friday afternoon last week. The message itself was relatively low key, but pointed to something possibly more worrying. Enough to make Rik Ferguson do some digging anyway…

3. Does Apple even want to build a social network? (GigaOm)
The debate about Ping continues: As it stands now, Ping is explicitly about selling music on the iTunes store. And while the new service is making us wonder whether Apple could build a viable social network, perhaps the real question is, "Does Apple want to build a real social network?" David Card finds out.

4. Eau de The Sun, anyone? (CBR Rolling Blog)
The clearest indicator yet that newspapers are having to branch out if they are to survive against the onslaught of free news on the web, The Sun newspaper has launched its own perfume called Buzz. I know, I did a double-take when I read it too, says Jason Stamper.

5. HP’s nightmare gets worse — Mark Hurd joins Oracle as co-president (VentureBeat)
Dean Takahashi says that Hurd’s arrival at Oracle puts him in a position to do some serious damage to HP, which is now his competitor.