Hacking group The Script Kiddies reportedly hacked The NBC News Twitter feed last week and used it to scare people of a false report that a hijacked plane had crashed near the site where New York’s twin towers were destroyed in 11 September attacks 10 years ago.
According to Reuters, "The NBC News twitter account was hacked late this afternoon and as a result, false reports of a plane attack on ground zero were sent to @NBCNews followers," NBC said.
"We are working with Twitter to correct the situation and sincerely apologise for the scare that could have been caused by such a reckless and irresponsible act."
Before being suspended the hacked NBC Twitter account said, "This is not a joke, Ground Zero has just been attacked. We’re attempting to get reporters on the scene. #groundzeroattacked."
"Breaking News! Ground Zero has just been attacked. Flight 5736 has crashed into the site, suspected hijacking. more as the story develops," read another false message.
Soon after the hackers posted a message stating: "@NBCNews Hacked by The Script Kiddies @s_kiddies."
The Script Kiddies is reportedly the same group that hacked the @foxnewspolitics Twitter account in July and posting a false report that President Barack Obama had been assaisinated.
Last week, there was another false rumour floating on Twitter, which said that Apple founder Steve Jobs had passed away. The feed retracted the statement quickly.