Hewlett-Packard Co has launched a Windows version of its PE/ME10 mechanical design, drafting and documentation system. Precision Engineering ME10 6.0 for Windows is a 32-bit computer-aided two-dimensional design package that has Windows-specific data-exchange capabilities such as cut and paste and Dynamic Data Exchange. According to Hewlett-Packard, the product is especially suited to transferring detailed computer-aided design data to technical documentation. Features include a user guidance system for specification of geometry; the capability to capture inherent geometric relationships; and the ability to ensure automatic and precise updates of all relevant aspects of a drawing when its geometry is modified. It supports associated documentation for Hewlett-Packard’s PE/SolidDesigner, the Palo Alto company’s three dimensional product-modeling design system, and can be used with Hewlett-Packard’s PE/ME10. PE/ME10 6.0 for Windows supports Windows 3.1 and Windows NT, and Windows 4.0. The package will cost $4,600 and is bundled in 10- and 25-user packages for multiple users. A Windows 6.0 release is in beta test and is expected to be ready this month.