To help it tackle Microsoft Corp in public sector and Fortune 500 markets, SunSoft Inc yesterday announced a partnership with Unisys Corp to sell a line of Solaris server suites which will ship this summer. Unisys has a much more mature relationship in markets where we are not, but we have the Internet and intranet solutions those companies need so we are teaming up, which will help us compete against a certain company in the Pacific Northwest, SunSoft told Computergram yesterday. Expect SunSoft and Unisys to make further joint announcements before the end of the year regarding enterprise management and Java products. The servers are part of Unisys’ Aquanta line launched in May (CI No 2,912). The three new Solaris server suites include an Internet server suite, a security server suite and an application server. The Aquanta Firewall/Security Server for Solaris will ship first, followed by the other two this summer.