Net surfing with Microsoft Corp’s internet Explorer 3.0 has doubled in the last month, according to our sister publication ClieNT Server News. Explorer use soared to 29.1% of the market, mainly at the expense of Netscape Communication Corp Navigator , according to web site tracking software specialist Interse Corp. Interse says Explorer use is up – from 8.3% in June and from 15.8% in July. Navigator use, which slipped from an all-time high of 83.2% in May to 78.2% in June, was down to 62.7% in August. That’s the lowest it’s been since 1994, which is awfully long ago in browser time. NCSA Mosaic browser use has just about disappeared, down to 0.2% having dominated the internet back in November 1994 when it had 60% of the market. Other browsers still have 7.9%, but are also on a steady decline. Interse counts actual browser visits to its site. It said 90% of the Explorer visits to it s site last month were by Explorer 3.0. while 49% of the Netscape hits were by Navigator 3.0, which was still in beta most of the month. Whether the latest trend will reverse itself now that Navigator 3.0 is in full distribution remains to be seen.