San Francisco-based Interactive Development Environments Inc has demonstrated what it claims is the first complete support environment for V0.8 of the unified OMT and Booch object modeling methods, in its Software through Pictures-OMT-Booch toolset. It also now supports both generation and reverse engineering of Java code to analyze the impact of code modifications. The company has also demonstrated Ada 95 code generation and generation of code for the Forte Software Inc application development environment and reverse engineering of Corba Interface Definition Language code for distributed object applications. StP/OMT and StP/Booch 3.1 with Ada 95 and Forte code generation are up under Solaris and HP-UX from $12,000. The combined StP/OMT-Booch costs $15,000. StP/OMT and StP/Booch 3.2 with Java code generation and reverse engineering support and Interface Definition Language reverse engineering, is due in May at the same price.