Information technology service provider Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) has reported an increase in revenue to $4.03bn in the first quarter of fiscal year 2012, compared to $3.91bn in the same period last year.

The operating margin fell to 4.46% from 7.08% in the previous year, mainly led by higher costs due to Nordic region strikes and costs from its new outsourcing programme.

The company said the results were also adversely affected by performance within the Managed Services Sector (MSS), though its other two lines of business delivered results in line with expectations.

North American Public Sector (NPS) contributed $0.9bn, and Business Solutions & Services (BSS)(BSS) reported $0.9bn while MSS closed $0.5bn of new business.

The new business awards for the first quarter are $2.3bn and forecasts for the year are $17bn.

The company reported revenue of $16.2bn for the 12 months ended 01 July 2011.