When you have bought as many companies as Platinum Technology Corp has over the last two years, you are going to have a lot of products to tweak, re-badge, and re-launch. And so the Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois company is set to add two products to an upgrade to its Enterprise Performance Management suite of management tools for networks, databases and servers. It has also added the recently-enhanced version of its DBVision and ServerVision agents to the suite (CI No 2,891). The ‘new’ products are WireTap and TransTracker, both of which come from the acquisition of Advanced Systems Inc/Distributed Computing Group in January this year (CI No 2,850). WireTap is a network monitoring and performance management tool that provides a view of the network usage, response times, transactions and individual application components. Thus network managers can analyze traffic patterns, including the number and identification of Web page visitors, and plan for future capacity requirements. TransTracker is a distributed transaction measurement tool for application developers to gather system, network and database performance statistics through the development cycle. It can also be used to evaluate third party products before purchasing them, according to the company. Platinum has also added Windows NT support to its DBVision and ServerVision, as well as IBM Corp DB2 Common Server support for DBVision. TransTracker will be available from next month from $35,000 for a console and six probes and WireTap will be out in the next quarter, with pricing yet to be finalized.