Lower server security in Apple servers than in Windows-run servers makes Apple servers vulnerable to most harmful cyber attacks, according to consulting firm iSEC.

A report in the Financial Times said that researchers from the consulting firm have found out in a study that though it may be difficult to breach Apple servers, once inside, skilled hackers could gain administrator control easily when compared to Windows-run servers.

The study is expected to be presented at the Black Hat security conference this week.

iSEC researcher Alex Stamos told FT that Windows-run servers have been made secure to make it difficuilt for hackers to move inside, but Apple’s server software has vulnerabilities.

With growing popularity, Mac computers have become the target for malware programmers.

In May, reports suggested that fake antivirus software, specifically targeting Apple computers, had been collecting credit card details from users by scaring them of non existent virus attacks.

Web security company Intego said that it had discovered fake antivirus softwares that have been targeting Apple users starting early May.

The same month, IT security company Sophos issued a warning to Mac users saying that a massive SEO poisoning attack has hit Google, which could in turn infect their computers.

Secret cyber criminal forums have announced the the first do-it-yourself (DIY) malware targeted at the Mac OSX operating system.

Usually DIY malware kits have been designed to attack the Windows platform, but with the new kit, Weyland-Yutani bot, users with little knowledge can create their own malware and use it to control another computer, thereby creating a botnet in the process.

Danish IT security firm CSIS Security Group has said that it has discovered the availability of the DIY malware kit for Macs. The company has also warned that DIY kits for iPads are underway.

CSIS Security Group security specialist Peter Kruse said, "The kit is being sold under the name Weyland-Yutani bot, and it is the first of its kind to hit the Mac OS platform."

"Apparently, a dedicated iPad and Linux release is under preparation as well."