Thomson Software Products SA has put its ObjectAda 6.2.1 development environment up on Sun Microsystems Inc’s UltraSparc systems running Solaris 2.5. The firm is working on a version for Hewlett-Packard Co’s HP-UX for later this year and will have the fully Ada-95 compliant version, ObjectAda 7.0 out later in the summer. Thomson has licensed Intermetrics Inc’s AdaMagic compiler front-end for version 7.0 (CI No 2,780). So far that product has passed the Ada83 tests and a large percentage of Ada95’s object- oriented features, according to Jennifer Beckwith, Ada product manager at Thomson. Purchasers of version 6.2.1, which costs $8,000 per license, will get a free automatic upgrade to the fully Ada95-compliant version, which will also be available on HP 9000, Sparc and for Windows.