Palo Alto, California-based Wollongong Group Inc has announced version 3.0 of its PathWay Access for Windows TCP/IP product, which brings support for MS-DOS-based applications, client-server tools, increased network operating system support and a new user interface. The company says that users can now switch between MS-DOS and Windows applications without using their node identity, which it says it achieved by keeping the core TCP/IP protocols active and in memory. Among the other enhancements, the company says, it also has optimised memory allocation – achieved by relocating portions of the protocol stack to high memory as needed. For the future, the company says it has included a migration path for operating systems such as Windows 4.0 (Chicago) and Windows NT, while the product is also said to be capable of supporting integration with NetWare/IP. PathWay Runtime for MS-DOS and Windows has also been enhanced to support dial-up access to TCP/IP networks via SLIP or PPP connections. It is also said to support X.25, FDDI, Token Ring, Ethernet, and ARCnet networks. Wollongong has also announced the PathWay API Developers’ Tool Kit version 2.0 which it has enhanced with new Windows-integrated APIs including Windows Sockets, Telnet and File Transfer Protocol, and Simple MAPI, all of which have been implemented as Windows Dynamic Link Libraries. PathWay Access 3.0 is available immediately, and is to cost $350 for a single user.