An Honours List overwhelmingly dominated by the creation of Cliff Richard a Knight of the Realm was always bound to look a little less thrilling in its nuts and bolts, but as we all try to get used to saying Sir Cliff – or should that be Sir Harry Webb? – while there are no peers or knights from the information technology sector, GEC Plc and British Telecommunications Plc have once again overachieved. Alan Rudge, deputy group managing director of British Telecom, the most prominent member of the industry to gain honours in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours list, has been appointed a CBE for his work in the telecommunications industry. Also created a CBE, but for services to manufacturing in Scotland, is George Bennett, vice-president of Motorola Inc. Another British Telecom employee honoured for his service to the industry is Richard Greensmith, general manager of Special Network Services, who gets an OBE. And still in the field of communication, Professor Martin Sweeting, managing director and chief executive of Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd was also made an OBE for services to the satellite industry. The electronics wing of the UK’s defence industry also picks up a number of awards, the highest being made to Robert Edridge, marketing director of Combat Systems Division of BAeSEMA Ltd. John Humphries, manager of the logistics support group at Ultra Electronics Ltd, has been created an MBE and, as usual GEC’s staff have not been passed over: Reginald Ramm, commercial manager for GEC-Marconi Sensors Ltd, and Alexander Stewart, senior manufacturing engineer at GEC-Marconi Defence Systems, are both new MBEs, while Peter Turrall, a consultant with GEC-Marconi Communications Ltd has been created an MBE for his contribution to exports. For services to mechanical and electrical inspection systems, Robin Freeman, managing director of Vision Engineering Ltd, has been created an MBE as has Sony Corp’s production service manager at its plant in Mid Glamorgan, Kenneth James, for his work in the electronics industry and his charitable work locally. Only one woman in the field of information technology has been honoured; Sylvia Carter, former administrator at the Department of Trade & Industry’s Radiocommuications Agency, has been appointed an MBE. And Jonathn Moynihan, chief executive of computer consultancy firm PA Consulting, was created an OBE for services to business.