Despite all the incompatibilities between IBM Corp’s PowerPC-based Power Series personal computers and the Apple Computer Inc Power Macintoshes, there is a version of Mac OS that runs on the IBM machines. According to the October edition of MacWorld magazine – these monthlies work to long deadlines – a tiny Swiss company called Quix Computerware AG, based near Zurich, has done a version of Mac OS to run on the IBM machines. MacWorld says it tested Quix’s adaptation found near flawless compatibility. Problem is that it requires the Mac ROMs, so Quix cannot develop or market computers based on the modified software without permission from Apple. Apple had not supported Quix’s work, but IBM is interested in it, MacWorld says. Apple said Quix had demonstrated its work to Apple and the two companies are talking further. The company, which employs just six people, worked with Apple several years ago to put Macintosh System up on the 68000-based NeXT Computer Inc workstation line.