Cambridge Technology Partners Inc, Cambridge, Massachusetts, is to provide strategic application development services and consultancy using Oakland, California-based Forte Software Inc’s application development environment. Forte is positioning itself as a the provider of a second generation environment that enables developers to use application partitioning to design software independently of hardware and software considerations. The second generation application environment has long been promised. Forte argues a second generation application environment will be client-server, high performing, scalable and object-oriented. It needs links to legacy data, support team development and application partitioning. Application partitioning has proved the most difficult to master and is also the key to using an organisation’s processing capability, the company says. Under it, code is independent of its physical distribution, operating system, window manager and database manager. Code is assigned to the partitions at the very last moment, with the partitions assigned to specific machines and environments and the application generated automatically. Cambridge Technology Partners is also evaluating software from Forte’s rival, Dynasty Technology Inc, based in Naperville, Illinois.