Simi Valley, California-based Whittaker Corp’s drive into the networking arena gained momentum this month when it announced plans to acquire Xyplex Inc from Lexington, Massachusetts-based Raytheon Co (CI No 2,867) – its second communications acquisition in under a year, the first being the $32.5m buyout of Hughes Lan Systems – now known as Whittaker Communications – in April 1995. The Xyplex deal marks Whittaker’s desire to establish itself as major player in the emerging Asynchronous Transfer Mode marketplace, after its core defense market business for network integration started to dry up last year. Xyplex produces high- speed inter-networking equipment, terminal servers and shared media products for local networks, as well as a range of remote access products that interconnect with phone companies’ wide area networks. Its range includes the Network 9000 switching and routing hubs, the Network 3000 family of branch office systems and the MAXserver remote access servers. The acquisition of Xyplex, a firm that had sales of $107m in 1995, is expected to substantially increase Whittaker’s total turnover. Whittaker, with sales topping $159m in 1995, will derive nearly 60% of its turnover from communications over the next 12 months, compared with about 23% a year ago.