According to the Zona Research Inc X Business Group, the 1995 X terminal market was worth $520.5m – 237,426 units – down from $645m in 1994 (CI No 2,740). Hewlett-Packard Co’s share of the market increased to 26.8% (from 25.4% in 1994), though turnover actually declined to $139.5m from $164.7m. Network Computing Devices Inc’s 21.4% share of the 1995 X terminal hardware market – $111.4m – was down on 1994’s $143.4m, 22.1% share. Tektronix Inc’s 19.3%, $100.5m share was well up on its $76.1m, 11.7% 1994 business. Digital Equipment Corp’s 9.6%, $49.9m 1995 business was down on the $72.3m, 11.2% share it held the year before. IBM Corp did $25.5m for a 4.9% share in 1995, down on 1994’s $65.7m, 10.1% share. Other vendors – Sun Microsystems Inc, the former Applied Digital Data Systems Inc, now part of SunRiver Corp, Hitachi Ltd and others accounted for the other 18%, worth $93.7m.