BENCHpress Quarterly’s latest SPEC performance benchmarks show that on the desktop, Hewlett-Packard Co’s latest 125MHz HP 9000 7X5 has clear SPECint92 and SPECfp92 leads over DEC’s 3000/600 workstation, in second place. Then comes the 99MHz HP9000 7X5, ahead of Sun’s new 60MHz SuperSparc-driven Sparcstation 20, Silicon Graphics Inc’s Indy R4400 Indy, then its Indigo2, the 80MHz HP9000 7X5, DEC’s 2000/500, 2000/400 and the IBM RS/6000 370/375. The first three boxes each offer over 100 SPECint92 and 150 SPECfp92 (201 SPECfp92 for the 125MHz Hewlett-Packard machine). On deskside systems, Hewlett-Packard’s new compilers helped it increase its presence: the top 11 reads DEC 7000/610, 3000/800, 2100/A500MP, 4000/710, IBM RS/6000 590, DEC 3000/500X, HP9000 800/x60, 755/99, 800/x50, RS/6000 580H and SNI RM430/540. Cray Research Inc’s 32-way Sparc SuperServer (with 64-way coming) and DEC’s symmetric multiprocessing OSF/1 implementation helped re-jig the symmetric multiprocessing SPECrate_int92 results (for those companies that perform testing). In 32, 24, 20 and 16-way implementations, the Cray SS6400 tops the list, in first, second, fourth and seventh spots respectively. Silicon Graphics Inc’s Challenge XL using 32, 28, 24, 20 and 16 R4400 CPUs occupies third, fifth, sixth, eighth and ninth places. Sun’s 20-way SparcCenter 2000 gets a look-in at 10th place, followed by Hewlett-Packard’s 12-way 9000 T5 Emerald at 11th. DEC’s six-way 7000/660 makes the 14th spot the new four-way AXP2100 A500MP Sable hits at 22nd. IBM has yet to publish PowerParallel or symmetric multiprocessing RS/6000 results. Hewlett-Packard should be able to step up its presence when the 125MHz PA 7150 makes into the Emerald servers. The newsletter’s multiprocessor performance and scalability indicator, which considers a systems’ overall efficiency for scaling processors, has Data General Corp out ahead, followed by DEC, Hewlett-Packard and Sun.