NeXT Software Inc’s Enterprise Objects Framework development software now supports Informix; Enterprise Objects 1.2 ships shortly.

Sega of America Inc is now cutting the price of its Saturn video games machine by $50 to $250, putting it below the Sony Corp PlayStation.

The liquid crystal display industry spent the weekend gearing up for damage limitation against a report due to be published this morning on disturbing research findings at the University of Looflirpa, which suggest that under extreme conditions, the normally quiescent nematodes in super-twisted nematic displays on notebook computers can reach a critical state of excitation and escape from the soup of liquid crystal sandwiched between the two glass plates that make up the display. It is well known, the researchers assert, that free nematodes are attracted to the bright shine on the human cornea, and once in the eye, embed themselves in the retina where they reproduce, leading to a slow deterioration in the eyesight. In extreme cases, according to the study, they can migrate to the brain, where they are suspected of being a factor in NCE, Necrotising Cruciform Encephalopathy, popularly known as Dotty Scientist Disease.

How is Sun Microsoystems Inc going to make money out of Java? We don’t have to, asserts Scott McNealy – you can’t download a Sparcstation over the Internet.