Sun Microsystems Inc today unveils its much-ballyhoo’d hardware, software, tools and services for developing, deploying and managing corporate Intranets. Sun chief Scott McNealy says the company is staking our claim on the business side of the Internet explosion, arguing that Intranets are driving the adoption of the Internet. New hardware includes an UltraSparc- based Netra, said to be able to handle 15-18m hits a day. Java WorkShop 1.0 is an integrated Java development environment. The Internet WorkShop is a client/server development environment for creating network server applications. It includes the Java WorkShop, Visual WorkShop for C++ and NEO development tools. Netra 3.0 Internet Servers are new versions of the company’s Web publishing and serving package. Joe is its Java object request broker. Solstice Internet Mail is a corporate Internet-ready email service based upon the IMAP4 internet standard. SunScreen SPF-100G is an intranet security system claimed to be invisible to the network. Solstice FireWall-1 2.0 is the newest Checkpoint Software firewall release. SunIntegration Internet Practice is a suite of consulting and integration services.