SAS Institute Inc, Cary, North Carolina says it is extending the SAS/EIS Executive Information System library of its management information system to include six new reporting objects: Comparison Report combines text and graphics; Expanding Report provides bird-to-worm’s eye view of data; Multi-column Report can summarise all data as tables and graphics; Group Bar Chart can present different data sets together; Organisation Chart provides a graphical view of the organisation; and Multidimensional Data Viewer enables users to view the same data in a variety of presentation formats. The new features bring the number of objects in the SAS/EIS library up to 30. The six new objects are testing now for Windows, OS/2 and HP-UX. They will be available free to existing SAS users – mainframe, VAX, personal computer, OS/2 and Unix – from September. SAS claims it has 27,000 installations of its SAS System.