European open source browser maker Opera has released an upgraded version of its browser.

Opera 11.5 is an upgrade from the older version 11.1. The 11.5 version has added functionality for its Speed Dial feature. It has also added several bug fixes and streamlined the user experience.

On its website, Opera said, "Opera 11.50 introduces a new and novel type of browser extension: Speed Dial extensions."

It added, "Instead of handy thumbnails and links to your top sites, you can embed your Speed Dial with extensions that keep you updated — instantly — on what is happening around the Web. Take weather updates, for example…"

"We think Speed Dial extensions are a smarter way of getting to the content you want and need."

The latest browser is meant for for Windows, Mac OS X (10.6 or newer), and Linux.

Opera Software VP of Desktop Products Jan Standal said, "We’re excited about the work that has gone into Opera 11.50."

"Before we challenge Lady Gaga though, we’ve got to surpass the Tom Selleck moustache fan page on Facebook and the number of forum posts Opera fan Tamil has written. We think Speed Dial extensions are amazing enough to do the trick, but we didn’t stop there."

Opera Software was founded in 1994. It says that over 200 million people are using the Opera, Opera Mobile and Opera Mini browsers.