The SunSoft Inc arm of Sun Microsystems Inc has its Solaris Internet Access PlusPack for Sparc and iAPX-86-based systems available now. It includes a prototype Java Web browser, built from the Java Developers Kit 1.0. HotJava, JavaSoft’s browser currently in beta test, wasn’t ready at the time this pack was being put together, according to Carole Amos, SunSoft’s product manager for Internet client software. Also in the pack is a Java Virtual Machine, Netscape Communications Corp Navigator 2.01 – not Java-ized, SoftQuad Inc’s HotMetal Light 2.0 HyperText Mark-up Language authoring tool, video and audio tools and network wrappers to give Common Desktop Environment and OpenWindows users access to Solaris File Transfer Protocol and Telnet services. It costs $100.