You’d say oh they’re just talking their book except that you just know it’s all true: Comdisco Inc’s Rosemont, Illinois-based Comdisco Professional Services has done a survey on disaster recovery practices in distributed computing environments, which found that more than two-thirds of respondents currently have applications vital to the day-to-day operation of their businesses running on local area networks yet the stringent disaster recovery guidelines that many have instituted for their data centres are not being followed for their local nets – 69% of respondents did not have a disaster recovery plan for their local nets – down from 80% in 199, 64% did not have back-up procedures that include the data stored on client personal computers, and 69% did not complete their back-ups on schedule; it seems that many expect users to back up their own personal computers, but the reality is that few of them do it; the survey was completed by 206 of the disaster recovery professionals that attended the firm’s Comdisco Solutions ’94 Conference this year.