Dr Jim Clark, chairman of Netscape Communications Corp says Microsoft is out to get Netscape any way it can – and the strategy will trip the company up. You can talk to any company in the world and Bill Gates or one of his representatives has been in and specifically discussed us and said they want to kill us. That implies to me they’re worried [about Netscape’s 70% of the Internet browser market], Dr Clark told BBC Radio on Monday night. Asked if he thought Microsoft was trying to drive Netscape out of business, he responded, Well, they’ve stated that. I’ve been told by CEOs of other companies that Bill Gates personally has said ‘we’re gonna take their air, we’re gonna make them spend all of their cash and drive them out of business.’ That kind of maniacal focus is gonna leave him vunerable. When one person is so narrowly focused on one thing they inevitably can’t see the larger picture. Asked to comment on Dr Clark’s assertions about Microsoft, the company said it was pleased to see Netscape had noticed the company’s Internet products, but asserted that it was not focused on Netscape, simply on the customer and his or her needs.