Our pick of the morning reading

1. Google goes on PR offensive over Buzz flaws (The Guardian)
Google is apologising after criticism that Buzz invades user privacy – but there are some important lessons to learn, says Bobbie Johnson.

2. Skype and Verizon’s Fear of the iPhone (GigaOm)
Verizon and Skype have teamed up to offer mbile services – but the real reason behind the deal is the threat from Apple’s iPhone, says Om Malik.

3. Windows Phone 7 – so far, so good…but what’s in the mix? (Gartner)
Microsoft’s long awaited announcement of its mobile strategy at the Mobile World Congress this week did not disappoint, says David M. Smith.

4. It’s (sort of) official – Google overtakes Microsoft in mobile (Financial Times)
Finally, after all the vague feel-good comments, a real fact about Android phone sales to sink your teeth into. Speaking at the big mobile industry bash in Barcelona Eric Schmidt said handset makers were currently shipping 60,000 units a day with the Google software platform installed.

5. Facebook login, Cancel Google and the perfect storm of idiots (The Telegraph)
Shane Richmond has his say on the ReadWriteWeb/Facebook fiasco and says that ‘some people are just idiots’. 

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