London-based minicab company Addison Lee has revealed that last month the Addison Lee iPhone App took around 75,000 bookings with a total value in excess of £1.4m.

The company said that since its launch in January 2010, the Addison Lee iPhone App has been downloaded over 70,000 times.

The app has been used to make bookings totalling more than £10m, so far. The company said that bookings via the iPhone App now account for around 11% of Addison Lee’s total bookings, with more than 47,000 individuals having booked a minicab via the App.

Addison Lee has also released an Android and BlackBerry version of the app. A Nokia Ovi Store App is planned for launch in Q3 2011.

Addison Lee IT Director Peter Ingram said alongside software partner, Haulmont Technology, the company is now offering Android and Blackberry users the same experience found in the iPhone app.

Ingram said, "Most customers now use smart phones with GPS and we’ve seen a huge surge in demand for mobile app bookings. We’ve recently been testing our Blackberry and Android Apps and getting very positive feedback from customers via Twitter, so we’re confident both new versions of the iPhone app will be a big success."

Ingram added, "99% of our iPhone bookings go through the system in an entirely automated process. The first human contact we have with the customer is when the driver says ‘Hello’ and opens the door for the passenger."