An early arrival at the podium was Scott McNealy, president of Sun Microsystems Inc, who told the assembly that his company remains committed to the idea that the network is the computer before rather gratuitously adding that his company is an industry leader in markets such as Unix, RISC desktop servers and database and file servers, while being determined to be a major player in the enterprise server market shortly as well; he went on to say that the company’s backlog continues to be high, adding that he hoped lead times for orders to be completed would be shortened by an improvement, before the end of the year, in the availability of memory chips; he reckons the company’s restructuring is nearly complete after three years and asserted that the appointment of presidents for each of the company’s units has given him more time to focus on more areas of the company; Sun also expects to find success in the video server, Internet server and personal computer server markets, he said, concluding that the firm is well-positioned now and will continue to do well.