Meantime, Hitachi Data Systems Corp has revved its Osiris open systems environment, which theoretically runs on all 40 models in its EX and GX IBM Corp MVS mainframe-compatibles, although Hitachi Data Systems has not been selling the EX boxes for some time and is not saying what the take-up of Osiris has been, if any. There is a new release of its OSF/1 version 2.0-based HI-OSF/1-M operating system, maintaining there are now significant differences between its offering and base OSF/1 2.0 code. Enhancements in HI-OSF/1-M 1.2 over 1.1 include full symmetric multiprocessing support for EX and GX multiprocessors, upgraded commands and libraries utilities, asynchronous input-output, secure NFS 4.2, NFS Lock Manager, and faster TCP/IP. Also added is an optional implementation of version 1.0 of Veritas Software Corp’s VxFS-M enterprise-scale file system for Unix, and release 1.1 of the Epoch Systems Inc EpochServ-M tape, disk and automated tape manager, which now provides full back-up support for Hitachi Data Systems’ cartridge tape subsystem series. All three are out this month. Prices are unchanged for the new HI-OSF/1-M and EpochServ-M releases. VxFS-M pricing depends upon system resources allocated to Osiris, like those which Veritas Volume Manager and Visual Administrator Hitachi Data Systems already offers. A handful of the range of other technologies due in Osiris (CI No 2,427) include EpochServ-M 1.2 in the second quarter for backing-up TCP/IP client data, C2 secure HI-OSF/1-M and an initial DCE/Base-M 1.0 Distributed Computing Environment implementation, due by mid-year. In Japan, Hitachi Ltd has licensed Hewlett-Packard Co’s OpenView OmniBack II, PerfView, PerfRX and Performance Collection Software network and systems management ap plications, and it plans to add them to its existing OpenView-based JP1 systems management environment.