One year after its formation, Novell Inc’s Information Access & Management Group (CI No 2,536) has undergone a reorganisation, cutting its divisions from six to three: the Internet Commerce Division; the Communications Infrastructure Division; and the Management Products Division. The company said the group, itself the product of a company-wide reorganisation, had been reorganised for purely practical reasons, since it was becoming unmanageable having six divisions and was not a way of masking potential lay-offs, saying that if anything, it looks like we will probably be increasing staff. For example, the Internet Commerce Division pulls together various teams that had been working on networked application suites and integrated access to the NetWare Connect Services being developed with AT&T Corp, the Internet and commercial on-line services, all of which had an element of duplication of efforts. This division will be headed by vice-president and general manager Vic Langford. The new Communications Infrastructure Division will draw together Novell’s telephony services, its wide area network and host communications, and its remote and mobile access activities. It will be led by vice-president and general manager Tom Steding. Finally, the Management Products Division will deliver tools and technologies that bring end-to-end management offerings to Novell networks of all sizes. It will be headed by Prem Uppaluru, also vice president and general manager. All three divisions will report to executive vice-president and general manager Steve Markman.