The UK CCTA, formerly the Central Computer & Telecommunications Agency clearly likes to make people’s flesh creep and wants to give your data processing manager sleepless nights from now to the millenium. The latest manifestation of virtual necrotizing fasciitis is actually a vintage one, the good old is Year 2000 Problem, and at a conference organized by the CCTA on the problem, one speaker trotted out that $600,000m figure for the cost of the problem, adding for good measure that 50% of companies will not achieve compliance in the year 2000 and 10% of companies will go out of business. With only 140 weekends to go before programs to correct the Millennium Bug must be installed and tested, 75% of North American firms, 90% of British, 95% of European and 99% of Asian companies have done nothing about it – sounds like the ideal excuse for finally dumping the mainframe and going open systems.
