Santa Clara, California-based OnStream Networks Inc, formerly T3plus Networking, has announced the LX10E inverse multiplexer. By using nxE1 inverse multiplexing, the product can transport local area over wide area network communications at speeds of up to 11Mbps and provide a throughput of more than 14,000 packetsper second using multiple aggregated E1 lines, said the company. This approach will solve the problem of applications that require bandwidth beyond E1 without recourse to E3, which is costly and not readily accessible to international users, said the company. In addition, it claims that users of the LX10E will be able to connect local Asynchronous Transfer Mode switches and ageing local area networks across nxE1 facilities. The offering also features an optional bridging function, which supports forwarding and filtering between local and remote Ethernet segments, enabling carriers to offer secure multipoint bridging services at native speeds. The LX10E starts at $15,500 and will be out in the first quarter of next year. The firm has also come out with the CS600 ATM Access Concentrator, saying it features a 1.6Gbps cell-bus architecture and T1, Ethernet, T3 and E3 interfaces, and is capable of supporting structured and unstructured T1 circuit emulation and native Ethernet communications over Asynchronous Mode, T3 or E3 wide area networks. It says the product’s T1 interface module can carry structured T1 data and speech traffic from existing Digital Service Units/Channel Service Units, T1 multiplexers and PABXs, enabling users to establish virtual connections to multiple user sites before aggregating the traffic for Asynchronous Mode wide area network transport. The firm claims that up to eight T1 lines and 192 virtual connections per T1 module are supported by the CS600. OnStream also claims that full 10Mbps Ethernet speeds and throughput across their Asynchronous Transfer wide area networks will be possible via the product’s direct Ethernet 10Base-T interface module. Users will directly connect to local network segments via a standard Ethernet hub, switch or router, and IP communications can be routed through the Asynchronous Mode wide area network using the module’s RFC 1577 or 1483 standard capabilities, the company added. The offering also features integrated bridge functionality, on-line installation and trouble-shooting via a Mosaic Web-server page, and on-board Simple Network Management Protocol-based management. The offering will list for $15,450 and ship in the first quarter of next year. Sonet OC-3, Frame Relay and additional serial interfaces, such as the Asynchronous Transfer Mode Data Exchange Interface, will be supported in later releases, Cisco is promising.